"Unless you become as little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."
From - http://www.wide-awake.org/chap1.html ...
"In spite of the training, discipline, teachings, and practices, Siddhartha was not satisfied. He had been practicing for years, and still he felt no closer to the truth. When he got in touch with his body, he realized, "This is really getting me nowhere," he thought. He wondered whether he would die of hunger, failing at his task.
At that moment a young girl named Sujata walked by and offered him a bowl of rice milk. He didn't know if he should eat it. Suddenly a memory appeared before his eyes. He remembered being a young boy sitting in the shade of a rose apple tree while his father worked in the gardens. He felt protected by the tree and experienced a bliss and peace he had never felt before. In that moment he was doing nothing to starve or challenge his body, but something wonderful had happened in his mind.
"Maybe I have gone too far," he thought. "Maybe starvation isn't the way to freedom."
Returning to the present, he accepted Sujata's milk and drank, feeling his body strengthen. His self-righteous disciples were horrified. They accused him of giving up and they went off in search of someone more holy.
In that magical moment when Siddhartha had his childhood vision, he had been sitting under a beautiful pipal tree with heart-shaped leaves. Today it is known as the Bodhi Tree, or tree of awakening because it became the site of the Buddha's full awakening."