A few years back, this wonderful, timeless letter appeared in a TV documentary about Temple Grandin. The letter, dated 9th July, 1966, was written by Temple's mother to a then 18 year old Temple...
"I was thinking of our conversation
about love
and wondering
how to put it down on paper for you.
The hugging that makes you feel suffocated
- don’t worry about it.
It’s only a physical response to love.
It’s not what lies at the core.
To me,
love is wanting to make things grow
- plants, animals, yourself.
Remember how you planted a seedling
- no rough handling
or you snapped the tender shoots.
And young animals, touch them tenderly.
Let them know they’re in
a safe place.
And yourself – the same goes for you.
Love the best in yourself.
Treat it tenderly, carefully.
Help it to grow.
And as you grow,
you’ll find you want to make
the best grow
in those close to you.
And in this fashion
without really knowing why or when,
we find we’ve each
a stake in the other.
For love is mutual.
It’s the glue that holds us all together."