
"The young in spirit are quick to judge, but the elders are patient.

They do not expect too much, so do not criticize...for this is the cause of disintegration of your own being in your life.

Instead, look with love on those whom your karma has brought you into association"

Source: "Gift from an Angel" - Eileen Goble


Ryokan never preached to or reprimanded anyone. Once his brother asked Ryokan to visit his house and speak to his delinquent son. Ryokan came but did not say a word of admonition to the boy. He stayed overnight and prepared to leave the next morning. As the wayward nephew was lacing Ryokan's straw sandals, he felt a warm drop of water. Glancing up, he saw Ryokan looking down at him, his eyes full of tears. Ryokan then returned home, and the nephew changed for the better

Source -

Being Born Again

"To come to the land of love, you must pass through the pains of death, for to love persons means to die to the need for persons and to be utterly alone...

...At first this will seem unbearable. But it is only because you are unaccustomed to aloneness. If you manage to stay there for a while, the desert will suddenly blossom into love. Your heart will burst into song. And it will be springtime forever; the drug will be out; you're free. Then you will understand what freedom is, what love is, what happiness is, what reality is, what truth is, what God is."

~ Anthony De Mello ~